Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Home Remedies For Hair Loss

As we all know there are many different treatments for hair loss. There are literally hundreds of different solutions to hair loss that is can be overwhelming to some. Also, how do we even know which ones even work? We don't want to spend all this money on products that are just wasting our time. There is another option; Home remedies for hair loss can be your solution. Believe it or not there are some that actually do work. I'm here to tell you some of these options available to you at home without having to waste any more money on pills that don't work or messy sprays and harsh chemicals.

A Few different remedies you can try at home:

Gather seeds of limes and black pepper. Second, grind it all together until it turns into a fine looking paste material. Use the paste on pieces of your hair, or patches of your hair. When first using this mixture of lime and black pepper it may irritate your scalp but it is going to act as a stimulus to the hair growth and encourage your hair follicles to grow hair.

Another kind of remedy which is pretty much like the previous is using liquorice. You can make this one by grinding pieces of liquorice in milk with a small pinch of saffron. Saffron is used as a cooking ingredient for flavoring and color. After you have added the saffron, you would then need to apply it to the bald patches before going to bed and leaving it on overnight. This is one of the best choices for treating the hair loss condition called Alopecia. Thinning of the hair and receding hair line is caused by Alopecia.

Also, by mixing these ingredients

Olive Leaves

Peach Leaves

Pomegranate Leaves

Buckthorn Leaves


Olive Oil


Once you have mixed all of the previous ingredients together the next step would be to grind them. After you have ground them, place them in a pot on the stove and boil. After boiling leave them to cool on the stove. Once they are cooled drain them through a fabric and store the mixture in a container. You will then put the mixture on your hair before you go to bed and make sure to leave it on your head throughout the whole night. Then in the morning wash all of the mixture off of your hair. You will then need to continue this process for 1 - 2 weeks, I would recommend 2 weeks. It will make your hair not only grow but make it stronger and darker.

One last suggestion I'll give you is to grind some myrtle leaves together and then keep the leaves in water for at least 24 hours. Then apply the mixture to your hair and cover your head with a piece of fabric. Make sure to leave the mixture on your head for the whole night. If you would like you can add olive oil and salt to the mixture when putting it on your head. In the morning wash your hair with cold or warm water whatever your preference is. Repeat this for 2 weeks.

Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women could be because of several reasons. Low thyroid hormone levels, hormonal imbalance during menopause, nutritional imbalance and certain skin disorders are the most common causes. The treatment depends on the cause and once diagnosed can be treated as well. A balanced diet and restful sleep will help to solve the problem to some extent. Hair fall in women is a serious problem. There are many reasons of this hair fall. The hair fall in women can be really embarrassing sometimes. It is important that the women note the reasons of this hair fall and try to avoid it. You may need to see a doctor in this regard. See a doctor and get your hair back from the damaging situation. This will be a great help if you can do that. You will help your self by making the hair fall speed slow.

Smoking is the single most important cause of the production of free radicals or toxins that can cause the disease and lead to hair fall. Smoking also depletes Vitamin C store from the body thus lowering the body immunity. Reasons for hair fall in women are also due to fungal infection or severe dandruff deficiency of protein in the diet, iron deficiency, stress, certain medications for example for typhoid, malaria etc.

Some medications like oral contraceptives, blood pressure medication, anti-depressants like Prozac and lithium, cholesterol controlling medicines, drugs like cocaine also cause hair loss.

Heredity has nothing to do with hair loss. Anemia endocrine problems, gynecological related problems like ovarian tumors, tissue connected diseases like lupus, emotional stress and crash diet causes hair fall.

Lack of minerals and vitamins and acids in hair treatments damages the hair follicles, to such an extent that the hair stops growing. Women tend to loose large amount of hair after child-birth. Major surgeries, chronic illnesses, several injection results in hair loss.

Androgenic Alopecia, here the hair on top of the scalp thins out making the hair less voluminous.

The reason of hair loss in women is as extensive as in men. But the degree of hair fall is less severe than men. Hair loss in women is not socially acceptable. It could leave women devastated, confused and helpless. But don't panic there are products in the market which control hair fall by 85 %. As the above discussion shows, there are many reasons of hair loss in women. It is important that the reason of loosing hair is judged as quickly as possible. Without doing so, it will not be possible for you to stop the hair fall. The reasons are numerous. The imbalance of minerals in your body can be a simple reason that can create the entire problem for you.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hair Treatment

Hair Treatment

If you have damaged hair, you are probably always on the lookout for a hair treatment to get your hair in better shape. What you should know is that you can’t really repair hair that is already damaged. You have to get the bad stuff trimmed off and then make sure you take care of the hair that is still healthy. There are a few ways you can do this, and some of them are easier than you may have thought.

The best hair treatment is to make sure you use a good shampoo and conditioner if you experience damage easily. If you don’t have this problem, you can skip the salon stuff, but if you have fragile hair, you should do your hair a favor and baby it a little. Salon shampoos and conditioners are made of higher quality ingredients and have lathering agents that are easier on your hair. You can also find deep conditioning hair treatment in your salon, and these can be great. If you want one of these, go in and ask for a protein treatment. I don’t know if they help in the long term, but they sure leave my hair feeling silky and smooth.

You don’t have to go to a salon to get a good hair treatment though. You can do it at home with a few simple ingredients that are good for your hair. I once used a mix that included an egg, olive oil and a mashed banana. I think there was another ingredient but I can’t remember what it was now. I mixed them together and used it as a hair treatment. I applied it to my hair and wore a warm towel around it for an hour. After that, I rinsed it out. It helped my hair so much. If you want to try this, just remember that it might be hard to get out if you have curly hair. I had to wash my hair a few times to get all of it out. However, it worked so well it was worth it for me.

You can also use a hair treatment like VO5 if you want, and these types of treatments do tend to help. The secret is to follow the instructions and to do it on a regular basis. No matter what type of hair treatment you want to use, just make sure you keep up with it. It will help your hair to remain healthy and will help protect against damage. Just remember there is no way to completely stop damage, and you will still need to get regular trims to keep your hair looking its best.

Dry And Damaged Hair

I used to think that dry and damaged hair was something I could not get rid of. I figured that was my fate, almost my tragic destiny. You see, I used a lot of hair care products, and fine hair ran in my family. I figured that having dry damaged hair was the price I would have to pay. I did not know about dry hair treatments back then, because if I had, I would have gotten them. Having something done to fix my damaged and dry hair would have been much better than just putting up with it like I did for all of those years. If only I had known sooner!

Don't get me wrong. I had shampoo for dry scalp, I had hot hair curlers, I had hair gel, and everything else that I could think of. None of it, however, seemed to do the trick. My dry and damaged hair seemed to be unusually resilient. No matter how much I tried to get it to sit down on my scalp and behave, it would go all over the place. I would literally spend hours upon hours combing it and brushing it. It was all in vain. I felt like I had a static electricity generator attached to my head. My dry and damaged hair had a mind of its own!

Finally, I found some moisturizing gel that was supposed to stop frizzy hair. It took me a long time to actually get around to buying it. You see, I was dispirited about my dry and damaged hair. I had used up so much money on hair care products that barely worked that I had resolved to spend no more on it. Instead, I kept my hair covered all the time. I didn't care. It was much better than facing the world with my dry and damaged hair everywhere. I figured that I would just go through life wearing hats, scarves, bandannas, and the like. It seemed like a simpler solution than finding a way to take care of my hair.

Finally, in desperation, I tried the moisturizing gel. Wouldn't you know it, it worked! My dry and damaged hair problems were no more. In less than a week, my hair was behaving itself. It felt thicker, fuller, and easier to control. It just goes to show you that you should never give up on finding a solution to your problems. It may take a while, but a solution always presents itself.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Dry and damaged hair

So there you were, standing in the women's locker room at the local YMCA. You had just finished your daily laps in the competition pool. It sure is great to get that regular exercise in. As you pull the towel from your chlorine-scented hair, you notice how stiff it is. You comb your fingers through it, but it feels course, dry and straw-like. YUCK! You can't go about your everyday life like this. After all, you're a woman. You're expected to have nice, soft flowing hair. Well, there is a way to get this dry and damaged hair back to its healthy old self. You can enjoy swimming and a soft dew at the same time.

Living with three females, I often see the time and effort they put into their hair. Ah, who am I kidding; it's sickening. It's like there is no end to the hair care and styling process. First of all, none of them want dry and damaged hair. This is why they condition thoroughly with Aveda products after each wash. Then I noticed my wife and youngest daughter use a spray-on conditioner from Ojon. My wife says it's the best stuff around for softening up your hair and making it easier to brush or comb through. Finally, they all head to the local salon every month for a deep-conditioning treatment. I have to admit, when they return home, their hair is always as soft and shiny as ever.

There's no doubt that all women want to avoid dry and damaged hair. Now I do realize that some girls are not going to be willing to go to the daily lengths others do to treat and condition their dews. However, there is one thing you should keep in mind about dry and damaged hair. And that is what causes it. HEAT! Now, I'm not necessarily addressing the UV rays of the sun here. I am speaking more particularly about devices. One device is the hair dryer. This will certainly leave your hair craving moisture. The intense heat turns it to straw. Secondly there's the flat iron. This is a very popular grooming tool for ladies now days. But, obviously the terrific amount of heat it presses into your hair will dry it out. So if you're going to use these tools on a regular basis, I'd look into some high quality conditioning products. There are plenty to choose from.

Dry hair treatment

How's the dew treating you these days? Are you one of those individuals, who get along famously on a daily basis with near-perfect hair, or are you one of the folks who rarely have a good hair day? This is a question that should be addressed seriously. I mean come on people; this is your daily image we are talking about here. Don't you want every day to be a great hair day? You can certainly make this a reality with all the great hair products on the market these days? Do you have limp hair and just need to add a little body? Or maybe you have damaged hair from excessive coloring, and now require a quality dry hair treatment to get things back in order. Either way, you can make it happen in no time.

Where would you go to acquire a fine dry hair treatment? Wait, let me guess; you would head on over to your favorite hair salon. This is certainly not a bad idea. Chances are they will have several wonderful dry hair treatments to fix any damaged dew. Professional salons typically excel in this area. However, when it comes to a quality mouse, gel, or dry hair treatment, the local salons aren't the only ones with the answers. At least not any more. These days we have a little something called the World-Wide-Web. Ever heard of it? It's where I go for all of my hair needs. Speaking of hair needs, a few weeks back I needed a decent dry hair treatment for my seven year old daughter. I tend to treat her conditions much more seriously than my own; therefore I had to pull out all the stops. You surely understand if you have a little one of your own. Not only did I get online and order one of the most recommended dry hair treatments available, but I also took her to a professional to have a dry hair treatment or deep conditioning treatment done. It's all related to the swimming lessons. Since my daughter is swimming on a daily basis, it definitely wreaks havoc on her delicate hair. You may encounter the same problem if you're an avid swimmer. Instead of fretting over it, just pick up a well-recommended dry hair treatment. In no time at all, your gorgeous locks will be as bouncy and shiny as they ever were. If you're not sure where to begin your search for a quality dry hair treatment, just pop open Google and punch in the key phrase "dry hair treatment." You will be astounded at the great results.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dry And Damaged Hair

Dry And Damaged Hair

I have had naturally curly hair my entire life. Though many tell me that my hair is beautiful, I have found it to be a pain to care for. I have always considered myself unlucky, because there are only so many things that you can do with curly hair. I have also noticed that I usually have dry and damaged hair. This means that I have to spend extra money to take care of my hair, and it also means I have to be creative when thinking of things to do with it.

If you have dry and damaged hair as I do, you are probably looking for a solution. Though I do not have all of the answers, there are some things that I know. Dry and damaged hair must be trimmed at least once every two months in order to keep the split ends from overwhelming you. If you keep your hair trimmed, it has a better chance of staying healthy and growing longer. You may think that getting regular trims might defeat the purpose of growing your hair long, but you should know it actually helps it grow longer in the long run.

Dry and damaged hair also needs special help to keep it looking smooth and shiny. If you have been buying drugstore brand shampoos and conditioners, and nothing seems to be working, you may have to spend some extra money to buy salon products for your hair. I have found that after I started using the more expensive hair care products on the market that my dry and damaged hair started to look much better as time went on. I would say that this is one expense that I am glad to have.

You may also find that there are other products that will help your dry and damaged hair. If you are anything like me, you probably do not know where to start. When you feel this way, you should talk to your hair stylist to see what they recommend for you. They may offer you suggestions regarding gels, sprays, and other products designed to keep your hair in place, healthy, and styled. If you just take a little time, your dry and damaged hair can look better than ever. Just remember that curly hair is much different than straight hair, and there may always be some damage or some dryness that you have to deal with on a daily basis. You should also remember, however, that with a little work your natural curls can be stunning.

Aveda hair products

The image that you are supposed to project as a man and the realities of being a man in this day and age are quite different. We are all familiar with the male stereotype. You are supposed be artless and uncaring about appearance. You are supposed to be straightforward to the point of Neanderthal-like. The reality is much different. Men have to groom every bit as carefully as women do. Personally, I have been using Aveda hair products since I was 13, and if anything I have become more concerned about my appearance over the years.

I don't mean to advocate Aveda hair products over any other. I could just have easily settled for Paul Mitchell hair products or l'Oreal. The point that I am making is that I and judged by my appearance every bit as much as a woman is. I even use the same Aveda hair products as my sister does. That is how I learned to groom myself in the first place – from watching my sister.

And that brings me to my point. I could not ask me older brother about Aveeda hair products. It is not that he did not know about such things as shampoo or fragrance for men. He knew every bit as much as I now know. It is just that it is not considered to be a manly topic of conversation. To ask him about Aveda hair products would have been tantamount to admitting that I was a girl. Only girls, after all, are supposed to worry about their grooming and appearance. It does not matter that guys worry about these things every bit as much as girls do. What matters is that a guy can not talk to another guy about Aveda hair products. Doing so is a threat to the masculine image.

When I raise my own kids, I am going to do it differently. My son will not learn how to shampoo his hair from his mother. He will learn it from me. I will show him my Aveda hair products along with my razer. He will begin to shower every day before he reaches puberty. He will take pride in his appearance from the age of Johnson and Johnson Shampoo to the age of Aveda hair products. That way, he will not have to deal with the hypocrisy that I had to deal with. He will grow up healthier and more consistent.