Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dry And Damaged Hair

I used to think that dry and damaged hair was something I could not get rid of. I figured that was my fate, almost my tragic destiny. You see, I used a lot of hair care products, and fine hair ran in my family. I figured that having dry damaged hair was the price I would have to pay. I did not know about dry hair treatments back then, because if I had, I would have gotten them. Having something done to fix my damaged and dry hair would have been much better than just putting up with it like I did for all of those years. If only I had known sooner!

Don't get me wrong. I had shampoo for dry scalp, I had hot hair curlers, I had hair gel, and everything else that I could think of. None of it, however, seemed to do the trick. My dry and damaged hair seemed to be unusually resilient. No matter how much I tried to get it to sit down on my scalp and behave, it would go all over the place. I would literally spend hours upon hours combing it and brushing it. It was all in vain. I felt like I had a static electricity generator attached to my head. My dry and damaged hair had a mind of its own!

Finally, I found some moisturizing gel that was supposed to stop frizzy hair. It took me a long time to actually get around to buying it. You see, I was dispirited about my dry and damaged hair. I had used up so much money on hair care products that barely worked that I had resolved to spend no more on it. Instead, I kept my hair covered all the time. I didn't care. It was much better than facing the world with my dry and damaged hair everywhere. I figured that I would just go through life wearing hats, scarves, bandannas, and the like. It seemed like a simpler solution than finding a way to take care of my hair.

Finally, in desperation, I tried the moisturizing gel. Wouldn't you know it, it worked! My dry and damaged hair problems were no more. In less than a week, my hair was behaving itself. It felt thicker, fuller, and easier to control. It just goes to show you that you should never give up on finding a solution to your problems. It may take a while, but a solution always presents itself.